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The school

International Partnerships

An international film school

Founded in 1972, EICAR, school of creative industries, has developed numerous international university exchange partnerships over the last 20 years. 

These partnerships have allowed the school to welcome students from around the world and provide them with a high-quality educational experience.

A school labeled for its partnerships

In 2021, the school received the “Welcome to France” label from Campus France, recognizing its commitment to welcoming and supporting international students. 

In 2022, it became a member of CILECT, a global organization for higher education in film and television. 

The school is also authorized to organize exchanges under the Erasmus+ program.

Build Your Professional Network

Through these partnerships, EICAR School students have the opportunity to receive high-quality education and immerse themselves in a new culture. 

They can also exchange with students and professionals from around the world, which helps them develop their professional network and open up new career prospects.

A global player in higher education

These partnerships contribute to the cultural enrichment of the school and the creation of a diverse and dynamic community.

They reflect EICAR School’s commitment to being a global player in higher education in creative industries.

At EICAR, we are first and foremost an international crossroads where not only French aesthetics and production techniques are explored, but also those of the world over. 

Our student body represents over 60 nationalities. This enriching atmosphere makes for more comprehensive training, but an interesting and diverse point of view that ultimately makes for richer films. 

Summer school

Summer School in NYC – 2024

En partenariat avec : CUNY (City University of New York), New York, USA

Summer School in San Francisco – 2025

En partenariat avec : San Francisco State University, California, USA


San Diego State University, San Diego, USA

George Brown College, Toronto, Canada


Bangkok University, Thaïlande

CEGEP de Jonquière, Quebec, Canada

UCLA, Los Angeles, USA

CUNY (City University of New York), New York, USA

Universidad Nacionale de Las Artes, Buenos Aires, Argentina

TEC de Monterey, Mexico

Study filmmaking in France,
cradle of cinema

Become a professional in the film industry, master your art!

Come and meet us on our Parisian campus!

Open house


of infrastructures
on campus
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<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea.</p>
nationalities represented
An international school
What makes the international department different than the Francophone programs offered at EICAR?

We are the only Continental European film school with a full English language curriculum that offers a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Cinema and a Master of Fine Arts in Cinema degrees.

The English language curriculum of the International Department is specifically conceived to meet the demands of the global audio-visual, film and television industries. In the tradition of the Anglo-Saxon method of film education, a combination of theoretical classes, “hands-on-film” workshops and production, along with extensive personal one-on-one tutoring are the foundation of the program. Additionally, International students have a membership to the French Cinémathèque, the world’s first and foremost film museum, with free access to the screenings, library and cultural events.

Our International students, as well as the professors, come from the four corners of the globe creating a potential network of employment opportunities. The multinational nature of the faculty and student body is also one of the things that make the “EICAR experience” one of the most unique and productive in film education with the majority of our students finding employment in the audio-visual industries after graduation.

What are the summer workshops designed to do?

Unlike the degree programs, the summer workshops are designed to be a brief and fun introduction to all aspects of the craft. Students make their own 5 minute short as part of “Making a Short” and write their own short script and feature treatment as part of the two week “Writing a Short” workshop. It is a designed as a fun, practical introduction to the craft of filmmaking.

Who is the one year program designed for?

The one year is a great fundamentals program that allows students to take core courses from the BFA first year range of core classes. The average student for this program is not looking for a degree but is looking to spend a year learning the basics. IE: someone on his or her “gap year”. The flexibility of the one year allows students to take as many or few classes from these options as the student wishes. Occasionally, students can also take a workshop or advanced class per their qualifying for it. Successfully completing the one year program provides an excellent basis for continued study with us, or a perspective of what a career in film will look like.

What is the average age of students in the programs?

Although there is no age limit for the programs, the BFA tends to attract high school age students of 20 years of age, looking to start their undergraduate work. But we have had mature students in the programs before.

Students under the age of 18 must have completed their high school education and have a note from their guardian in France.

The MFA average age is the candidate who has already completed their undergraduate work, the average age being 25.

Are you approved by the GI Bill and Veteran’s administration?

Eicar International’s degree programs, the BFA and MFA are officially recognized by the U.S. veteran’s administration. United States armed services candidates should take this into account.

Do you offer scholarships?

In accordance with the school’s official policy, scholarships are not offered in the first year. However, in the degree programs, we do sometimes offer tuition reductions to exceptional students who demonstrate financial need in order for them to complete their studies with us.

When does the academic year start?

Orientation Day in the international department is usually scheduled on the last Friday of September. Courses continue until the end of July.

Do I need to know French in order to go to the international programs?

No. Our BFA, MFA, One Year Filmmaking programs and our summer workshops, “Making a Short” and “Writing a Short” are taught in English. The school nevertheless provides French classes as part of the degree programs to help you to immerge into French culture.

When is the admissions period?

Admissions begins in late October and is rolling but usually goes until early summer depending on places that remain.

How do you apply to the degree programs and the one year?

There is no fee to apply to our programs and application is simple and can be done online. The application criteria that we ask for is a letter of motivation and a letter of recommendation.

A portfolio sample is obligatory for the Masters application but not for the undergraduate programs or one year.

We also require a copy of your passport and your last year of grades.

Candidates submit a copy of your high school or secondary school equivalent for application to the BFA and one year programs.

A copy of your undergraduate degree (it can be in any subject) is required for application to the MFA.

Documents must be in either English or French.

We also schedule a skype interview as part of the process.

Master your art!

EICAR prepares you for careers in the film and creative industries. Give yourself every chance to succeed!

Key figures